live A long life…and stay healthy

Health, DISEASES & Supplements Articles

We have been providing health information since 2014 and aim to provide a precise, accurate and thoroughly reviewed information conduit for our families & friends. Below is an overview of the Health, Diseases & Supplements articles we had reviewed.





  1. Low Cholesterol May Raise Your Alzheimer's Risk
  2. Your Doctor is Wrong About Cholestoral
  3. Can Vitamin D3 Reverse Alzheimer's Disease Progression
  4. Nutrition and Exercise for Lowering Cholesterol
  5. Your Gut is your Second Brain
  6. Ping Pong May Cut Signs of Parkinson's Disease
  7. Stimulating Pineal Gland & Vagus Nerve for Mental Health
  8. Half of Adults Will Develop Prediabetes
  9. Gluten Contributes to Poor Health
  10. How the Obesity Epidemic Got Started
  11. Table Sugar Causes Diabetes
  12. Is Gluten Making You Fat
  13. What You Must Know About Gluten
  14. Part 1 - How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland for Higher Mental Performance
  15. Part 2 - 11 Powerful Supplements to Detoxify Your Pineal Gland
  16. Part 3 - Restore Your Circadian Rhythm and Improve Your Sleep
  17. Part 4 - ACTIVATE Your Pineal Gland for Superhuman Potential
  18. What is a Vagus Nerve?
  19. Stimulate Vagus Nerve Function to Support the Brain


  1. Cancer Treatment with Vitamin C
  2. Naturally Lowering PSA Levels
  3. How to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
  4. How to Reduce Chance of Heart Attack
  5. Parkinson's Disease - Vitamin D Deficiency
  6. Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) with Ascorbate Acid (Vitamin C)


  1. Astaxanthin Benefits
  2. CoQ10 - A Nutritional Powerhouse
  3. Vitamin_C-Antioxidant
  4. Vitamin_C-Cancer_Treatment
  5. Vitamin D - Insulin Resistance
  6. Vitamin D Harmful Without Vitamin K
  7. Vitamin D Deficiency and Parkinson's Disease
  8. Vitamins D3-K2-Dyamic Duo
  9. Vitamin_D3-Alzheimer's_Disease
  10. Magnesium K2 and D Supplementation
  11. Magnesium Types and Dosages
  12. Magnesium_Deficiency-Chronic_Ailments
  13. Importance of Magnesium to Heart Health
  14. Cholesterol Guidelines-HDL Ratio
  15. Lp(a) - Lysine Benefits
  16. What is Inherited LipoProtein - Lp(a)
  17. Lp(a) - Vitamin C Connection
  18. Prevention of Lp(a)-US5278189

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