LIVE A LONG LIFE ...and stay Healthy

Healthy Diets

How to be Healthy? Being healthy is more than just genetic, you need to work hard at it. First, start with your diet. As they say...

"you are what you eat"

The 4-horsemen that can wreak your healthy diet are:

  1. Sugar;
  2. Simple Carbohydrates;
  3. Cooking Oil; and
  4. Inflammation caused by Oxidation.
1. Sugar (Table/Processed)

All of the following sweeteners provide you with calories and all have little or no nutritional value (known as empty calories.) How many can you recognize?

"Sugar" "Dextrose" "Maltose" "Glucose" "Fructose" "Corn Sweetener" "Honey" "Corn Syrup" "Sucrose" "Sorghum Syrup" "Sorbitol" "Brown Sugar" "Lactose" "Molasses Syrup" "Fruit Juice Concentrate" "High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)"

Average American consumes 3 pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar in one week, that is 156 lbs. a year! Those unburned calories will be converted into body fat!

*Please read the articles,   Health Consequence of Eating Too Much Sugar , Table Sugar Can Cause Diabetes.

2. Carbohydrates

There are two types of Carbohydrates:
Bottom line: Complex carbs are highly nutritious, usually found in whole, unprocessed foods. We need them in our healthy diets. Simple carbs are empty calories found in processed foods and have little nutritional value. They converted into sugar quickly, the unburned excess will turn into body fat!

3. Cooking Oil

Edible plant oils are commonly known as vegetable oils, often extracted with chemical solvents or by crushing or pressing the plants or their seeds. Under high heat, most vegetable oils will get oxidized and cause inflammation in your body. There are 2 things to remember when choosing cooking oil:
  1. High heat tolerance; and
  2. Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio. (Omega 3 reduces inflammation, whereas Omega 6 causes inflammation in your body.)
Best healthy oils for cooking -
    (High temperature): 1. Coconut  2. Avocado 3. Almond  4. Red Palm
    (Medium/Low temperature): 1. Extra-virgin olive oil  2. Walnut  3. Sesame seed  4. Peanut  5. Butter

Worst oils for high temperature cooking:
1. Canola  2. Soybean  3. Sunflower  4. Safflower  5. Cottonseed

*Read the articles on "Good-Bad Cooking Oil""All About Ghee" and "Saturated Fat - Good or Bad"

4. Oxidation

Oxidation can damage vital molecules in our cells, including DNA and proteins, which are responsible for many body processes. Molecules such as DNA are needed for cells to function properly. So, if too many are damaged, the cell can malfunction or die. That is why antioxidants are important. Oxidative stress is viewed as an imbalance between the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and their elimination, which can lead to chronic inflammation. The inflammation triggered by oxidative stress is the cause of many chronic diseases, such as, cancers, heart attacks, stroke, epilepsy, diabetes and obesity.

 The BEDS Program for living a Long & Healthy Life: 

1. Breathing
2. Exercise
3. Diet
4. Supplements

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