What Is Wrong With Our Health?
We are sicker and fatter than ever before! Consider the following:
Excessive weight accounts for 1 in 3 deaths
in the US among middle-aged people.
* A billion people around the world suffer from
Diabetes and
* 655,000 people die of Heart Disease
each year in the US.
* One-third of Americans suffer from
High Blood Pressure, which contributes to almost 900,000
each year.
* 55 million
people in the US (1 in 6 Americans) suffer from autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, and Crohn’s Disease.
Depression is now the leading cause of disability, affecting more than 120 million people worldwide. This is the first generation of American children that are expected to live a shorter lifespan than their parents. First and foremost, the problem starts with our Standard American Diet (SAD)!!!
For over 50 years, we have been trusting and religiously following the guidelines of our government agencies, such as, FDA, USDA, AHA, CDC, etc. for our health and well-being. All those Low-Fat Diet, Vegetarian Diet, Low Cholesterol Diet, etc. basically tell us to avoid eating Saturated Fats, and eating more vegetables and whole wheat grains. Their slogan sounds logical…
"if you eat more fats, you will be fat "
Those advices on diet SADly (no punt intended) have been doing us more harm than good, evidenced by drastic increase of Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Dementia and Cancers over the past 60 years. To compound this epidemic further, pharmaceutical drugs available now are NOT curing any of these diseases. They merely suppress the symptoms, so you need to keep taking them forever in order to function decently…a perfect money-making formula for the big pharmaceutical companies! You would think our government should be all over these scams. Wrong!
Just look at the top people sitting on the board of these government agencies. They are mostly ex-CEO, ex-CFO, ex-COO of big pharmaceutical and food manufacturing corporations. Where do you think these people's interest and loyalty lay? Further, most congressmen/congresswomen, senators, medical researches and medical schools are bought by big corporations and billionaires through generous funding and campaign donations...just follow the MONEY.
As a result, there is hardly any sign of improvement over the years on curbing toxic chemicals (Pesticides) and wastes in our soil; stopping the expansion of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) products in our food supplies; eliminating the use of highly toxic Vegetable Oils for cooking; and the patching/plugging loop-holes in our product labeling system, etc. etc. The future looks grim for our next generations! ......WHEN MONEY TALKS, ETHICS WALK!
What is inflammation?
Inflammation is essential
to protect against viral and bacterial infection, as well as noxious
stimuli. It
is an integral part of the healing process, though prolonged inflammation can be
detrimental. The network dynamics of inflammation change with age, and factors
such as genes, lifestyle, and environment contribute to these changes. Current
research studying inflammaging is focused on understanding the interaction of
dynamic molecular pathways underlying both aging and inflammation and how they
change with chronological age.
When your body encounters an offending agent (like viruses, bacteria, or toxic
chemicals) or suffers an injury, it activates
your immune
system. Your immune system sends out its first responders: inflammatory cells
and cytokines (substances that stimulate more inflammatory cells).
These cells begin an inflammatory response to trap bacteria and other offending
agents or start healing injured tissue. The result can be pain, swelling,
bruising or redness. But inflammation also affects body systems you can’t see.
Inflammaging (also
known as inflamm-aging or inflamm-ageing) is a chronic, sterile
low-grade inflammation that
develops with advanced age, in the absence of overt infection, and may
contribute to clinical manifestations of other age-related pathologies.
Inflammaging is thought to be caused by a loss of control over systemic
inflammation resulting in chronic overstimulation of the innate immune system.
Inflammaging is a significant risk factor in mortality and morbidity in aged
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